Janet Edmonds

Embroiderer, Tutor, Author

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Update on large scale piece

Work is progressing on the large scale piece. I have made fabric for the central area and appliqued shapes within it. I have done a lot of stitching within this area and now filling in some gaps to adjust colour.

I have added leaves to the sides, These also have a great deal of stitching on them. Each one took about 5/6 hours.

I have completed the top band with flowers and have worked out the border around the central section. This will have a 17 century verse stitch on it but I haven’t stitched that yet.

A simple pattern of small squares will divide the four quarters. I have made this ready but it will be placed over any seaming that will be done as I join the outside bands.

I have been stitching every day since I finished the design as I am concerned that I will run out of time to complete.